Merge Multiple PPTX file onto one PPTX Using pm2 on AWS

I currently have an app that runs on a linux AWS EC2 instance, it uses pm2 to stay up/reboot. Upon boot the use of fileApi.uploadFile() works just fine and then I use documentApi.join() no problems. Sometime around a day later it errors out when trying to upload the file. If I restart the app, it will work again. There are no logs of the failed attempt to hit the API in my groupDocs dashboard. Here is a code snippet of my upload function call:

const uploadFiles = async (files, userID, callBack, res) => {
  // construct FileApi
  await Promise.all(
      async (file) =>
        // read files one by one
        await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
          fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `../Users/${userID}/${file.assetId}/${file.assetId}.pptx`),
            async (err, fileStream) => {
              } else {

                // create upload file request
                console.log("forming request");
                  let request = new groupdocs_merger_cloud.UploadFileRequest(
                    "/sutherlandTest/" + file.assetId + ".pptx",
                    // upload file
                    console.log("request ", request);
                    try {
                      let response = await fileApi.uploadFile(request);
                      console.log(file.assetId + " file uploaded: " + response.uploaded.length);
                    } catch (error) {
                      throw error.message;

  await mergeSlides(files, userID)

Any tips would be helpful.


We are looking into it and will guide you soon.


Apparently, it seems to be an auto refresh token feature related issue in GroupDocs.Merger Cloud SDK for Node.js. However, we have logged a ticket MERGERCLOUD-77 for further investigation and resolving the problem. Meanwhile, in this case, you can initialize API each time before using it.

Thank you. This would look like bringing this line:

let fileApi = groupdocs_merger_cloud.FileApi.fromConfig(config);

into the uploadFile function so fileApi gets initialized on every call, correct?


Yes, in the uploadFile function. However, we will also notify you as soon as we resolve the above logged ticket.

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Please note that we have fixed the token refresh issue in the GroupDocs.Merger Cloud SDK for Node.js and published the updated SDK 23.5 to NPM.

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