Turning My Code to .exe

When I turn my code to .exe while it works on my PC, it doesn’t work on any other PC.


We would appreciate it if you could provide more information about the issue. Kindly share your sample code along with the error message/screenshot. We will investigate the problem and guide you accordingly.

You can access my code from here. I’m not getting any errors. Whats happening is whenever I start the program at any other PC, it only downloads the pdf and doesn’t trigger the rest of the code.

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Thanks for sharing the sample document. We are investigating the issue and will share our findings with you soon.

P.S: Never share your credentials publicly. I have removed your shared project.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PARSERCLOUD-337

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