When converting, Japanese characters become garbled

Our software deals with Japanese characters.
And there is a process to convert Office files to PDF.
When we used GroupDocs Conversion, we noticed that those characters are not converted correctly.
Are there options that we need to resolve these?


You can use custom fonts in the conversion. Please check the following documentation article to use custom fonts in the conversion.

Is a .ttf file required to use a custom font?

I would like to know the file extensions that are supported.


It supports all types of custom fonts used in your document. Please let us know if you face any issues in this regard.

For example, do you mean that I can specify a .ttf file in FontsPath, which can be downloaded from “Noto Sans Japanese” here?

Google Font Japanese

I could not get the following to work correctly.

"FontsPath": "font/NotoSansJP-VariableFont_wght.ttf",


Please upload your fonts to a cloud storage folder and pass the fonts folder path in the FontsPath parameter instead of a specific font. If you still face any issues, then please share your input document along with the custom font for investigation.

I could not solve the problem.
I will give you the source file and font file to convert and you can try.

test.docx is the target file.
Download the font files from the GoogleFont “Download Family”.
It consists of a directory named Noto_Sans_JP and the font file is NotoSansJP-VariableFont_wght.ttf.

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Please note your shared document is using MS Mincho (Body Asian) font. Please try the conversion using MS Mincho font.
test_MsMincho_fonts.pdf (22.0 KB)

I needed to have PowerPoint and Word files converted to PDF.
And they never worked well.

Which files were the conversions you performed from?


If you are having font rendering issues in the conversion, then you need to upload custom fonts used in the input file to the cloud storage and pass the fonts folder path in the API call. It will resolve the issue. However, if you have some other issue than font rendering, then please share your input document with us for investigation.

Secondly, please find the supported file format details in the documentation.

aisatsu.pptx.zip (172.6 キロバイト)
Above are the files we tried to convert and translate.

The custom font specified in the FontsPath is MS Mincho, which you shared with us earlier.
We then tried both of the following two files.

  • japanese-ms-mincho.ttf


The above shared site is providing a font collection file instead of a single font file. Please share your problematic output file and ttf font file(s) as well.

custom font file
MSMINCHO.TTF.zip (2.8 メガバイト)

Conversion source file
aisatsu.pptx.zip (172.6 キロバイト)

Converted file (failed)
aisatsu.pptx.pdf.zip (278.9 キロバイト)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONCLOUD-531) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by sergei.terentev