Would love support for macro enabled Powerpoint (.pptm) files

we are using the groupdocs-merger-cloud npm package to merge two powerpoint (.pptm) files together, one is a presentation we generate in code, and the other is a seed file template. We do this so that we can embed all of our desired formatting in the seed file rather than having to generate it in code. We are building a large scale application that will ultimately be creating hundreds of documents per day in a production environment.

It would be helpful if we could use a macro-enabled seed file (.pptx), combine it with our code-generated .pptm file, and generate a macro-enabled output file. It doesn’t appear that .pptx files are supported. Are we missing something? If not, would it be difficult to extend support to the .pptm file format? Is this being contemplated? Thanks!

Hi, there is no support for .pptm format at the moment, but may be it will be added in the next versions.

Thanks. Not sure if this will provide additional incentive to step up the development cycle on this, but we are planning to hit this service thousands of times per month as part of our monthly and quarterly report production cycles. Adding this capability would pay for itself in no time.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


We will pay attention on this and add the feature in near release

The issues you have found earlier (filed as MERGERCLOUD-86) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by sergei.terentev