Annotation tools not working


Using the cloud annotation app. The following tools do nothing when I try to use them:

Text redaction

Resource redaction

Text replacement

Perhaps I’m not using them correctly?



We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. The tools which you are talking about work as follows: when you add for example “Text redaction” black painted block will be added over the text and you add comment for it. Other tools work in the same way.

Also these tools require adding of appropriate rights for collaborator that it can use them in the embedded Annotation. Since that you should add the credentials for each collaborator when you add him.

For how to set credentials for collaborator please check this code example:

//###Create User info object
//Create User info object
$user = new UserInfo ();
//Create Role info object
$role = new RoleInfo ();
//Set user role Id. Can be: 1 - SysAdmin, 2 - Admin, 3 - User, 4 - Guest
$role->id = "3";
//Set user role name. Can be: SysAdmin, Admin, User, Guest
$role->name = "User";
//Create array of roles.
$roles = array($role);
//Set nick name as entered first name
$user->nickname = $firstName;
//Set first name as entered first name
$user->firstname = $firstName;
//Set last name as entered last name
$user->lastname = $lastName;
$user->roles = $roles;
//Set email as entered email
$user->primary_email = $email;
//Creating of new user. $clientId - user id, $firstName - entered first name, $user - object with new user info
$newUser = $mgmtApi->UpdateAccountUser($clientId, $email, $user);
//Create array with entered email for SetAnnotationCollaborators method
$arrayEmail = array($email);
//Add user as collaborators for the document
$setCollaborator = $antApi->SetAnnotationCollaborators($clientId, $fileId, "v2.0", $arrayEmail);
$collaboratorInfo = new ReviewerInfo();
$collaboratorInfo->firstName = $firstName;
$collaboratorInfo->lastName = $lastName;
$collaboratorInfo->primary_email = $email;
$collaboratorInfo->access_rights = "All";
//Collaborator GUI
$collaboratorInfo->guid = $userGuid;
$setCollaboratorRights = $antApi->SetReviewerRights($clientId, $fileId, array($collaboratorInfo));

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.