Cloud convert is timing out

The call to FileApi.UploadFile is timing out.

var responseUpload = fileApi.UploadFile(wordfileRequest);

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out


The UploadFile API method is working fine with my sample documents. Please share your sample input file with us. We will try to replicate the issue and share our findings with you.

The same docs that failed yesterday, convert successfully now from our application.

The errors are sporadic but has happened the last two afternoons. Guess it could be connectivity on our side or at GroupDocs.

I am thinking we will monitor/test the conversion this afternoon.

If we see an issue, try hitting another 3rd party API from our same application.

If GroupDocs times out and the other does not seems that would indicate an issue at GroupDocs.

Does that sound ok?

Thank you


Thanks for your feedback. Yes, some logs and details to investigate the issue will be helpful. We will also check our server logs and try to identify any anomaly.