Doc to Docx conversion results in Amazon S3 exception while using Internal storage configuration:
"AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist. Bucket ‘’, FilePath ‘{path}/test1.doc’
Doc to Docx conversion results in Amazon S3 exception while using Internal storage configuration:
"AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist. Bucket ‘’, FilePath ‘{path}/test1.doc’
We use Amazon S3 for GroupDocs internal storage, so you are getting the exception from Amazon S3. Please double check the file path/availability; it will resolve the issue.
I don’t see any setting regarding Internal Storage other than “Name”, “Storage mode” and “Regex to retain files forever”.
Please advise where to locate “path/availability”.
My php code using SDK
$this->app->singleton(ConvertApi::class, function () {
$configuration = new Configuration();
return new ConvertApi($configuration);
* @param File $file
* @return string
public function convertToDocx(File $file): string
$settings = new ConvertSettings();
$request = new ConvertDocumentRequest($settings);
$response = $this->convertApi->convertDocument($request);
I think i found the solution, thanks
It is good to know that you have managed to resolve your issue. Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
Do you mind sharing your solution? I’m running into a similar issue.
Hi, @JustynLee , please create a new topic and share your request/SDK code and error message, Thanks!