The’s API generated the following error when running convertApi.convertDocument(new conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings)):
Error: ConvertDocument. Exception: Google Cloud Storage exception: Error while downloading file. One or more errors occurred…, code: ‘InternalError’
- Trace Id: 85e1a8c1-2847-4a23-9ae5-18bfed06ab16
- Timestamp: 10/11/2021 9:13:29 AM
My code does work using Internal Storage or Google Drive Storage, so I assume it’s because of specific dealings with Google Cloud Storage. Can you assist me with this? Thank you.
As stated in your above post, please upload the file to a folder(container) instead of storage root and use the complete file path along with the folder name. Hopefully, it will resolve the issue.
Using the full file path I am having the same problem. I can succesfully merge files (also from the storage root) with my code, but for converting (and uploading as stated in my other post) I get this error.
Please share your input files and sample code here. We will take the credentials from your other post and will test the scenario.