Customizing Signature Request Emails Sent by Legacy GroupDocs.Signature Cloud API

Dear Support,

We want to customized/completely remove the emails that you are dispatching when envelope is sent for signing. Is it feasible to do the following

We are using API for preparing envelope and then dispatching it.

1. Completely different Email Subject for signing

2. Completely different Email body. We will insert the link in email template and other specific information pertaining to our clients. Is that feasible to completely replace the email ?

3. Completely different reminder email and it’s subject. Can this be embedded at the time of making the envelope.

4. Completely different email when the envelope has been signed by signer.

Please advise urgently.



Thanks for your inquiry. I am afraid we are not fixing any issues or making improvements in old obsolete versions, because of their complex API structure.

Please note we have released Next Generation GroupDocs for Cloud APIs with more enhanced, efficient and improved programming structure. So we will appreciate it if you please try the latest version of GroupDocs.Signature Cloud API.

Please check the documentation along with the following resources for more details about Next Generation GroupDocs.Signature Cloud APIs. Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.