Free Api

Hi all,
i have implemented the Api in my app and translate my html text and single text. But after 8 operation, when i try to translate the app goes in loop on this row:

var result = apiInstance.TextRequestIdGet(translationStatus.Id);
if (result.Status.ToSystemHttpStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.OK) {}

the status is 102 and doesn’t cheange.

Can somone to help me with a solution.
If i can resolve this , i can upgrade service and i’ll go in production.
Best regards.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): GDTRANS-2980

Sorry anton, i’m new in GroupDocs, and so i ask you what i must do now? I stop my project and wait the solution of the your Issue or i can do something so i go in production with my project?

Best Regards
Sebastiano S.

@sebas66 till the end of the week the issue will be fixed. Also kindly pay attention, that text translation doesn’t support HTML, only Markdown syntax.

titolo=Addio al furto di smartphone: Android lancia la modalità ladro
source_lang = it
target_lang en

public async Task TextTranslator(string titolo, string source_lang, string target_lang)
string resultTraduzione = “”;
Configuration config = new Configuration();
/** Authorize your requests to GroupDocs.Translation Cloud /
config.OAuthFlow = OAuthFlow.APPLICATION;
config.OAuthClientId = “
config.OAuthClientSecret = "
Initialize GroupDocs.Translation API /
config.BasePath = “”;
TranslationApi apiInstance = new TranslationApi(config);
Specify translation parameters /
var translateFrom = new List() { titolo };
string sourceLanguage = source_lang;
var targetLanguages = new List() { target_lang };
var request = new TextRequest(
sourceLanguage: sourceLanguage,
targetLanguages: targetLanguages,
texts: translateFrom);
Send text to translation /
StatusResponse translationStatus = apiInstance.TextPost(request);
Wait for results from translation queue */
if (translationStatus.Status.ToSystemHttpStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
while (true)
var result = apiInstance.TextRequestIdGet(translationStatus.Id);
if (result.Status.ToSystemHttpStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.OK)
return resultTraduzione;
yesterday this code worked perfectly, but this morning is lookeed with codestatus 102.
What i can do to resolve this issue?

Best Regards