GroupDoc Conversion - Rest API parameters

I am having a technical question. I am trying to use the Groupdosc REST API to do the conversion of HTML file to DOCX (Without the storage) and seems like API accepts the physical file path as the input. Due to the security reason, we cannot open the physical file access via public URL. So, is there any other means of providing the input to the API. Do you have any Java example about how to consume this service?


Please note that we provide two API methods for conversion. One converts documents from cloud storage and the other from the request body. Please check the following documentation link; it includes sample code of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud SDK for Java. Moreover, if you have any issues using our hosted cloud APIs, then you can host yourself GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud locally using our Docker image.

Thanks @tilal.ahmad.
In my case I am using the API to convert document without cloud storage. But we don’t want to use the SDK, we are using rest template to call your get access token and convertion API’s. Any example for this?


Thanks for the feedback. Please check the following cURL command example. Hopefully, it will give you an idea of how to call the GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud API via some REST client.

curl -X PUT "" 
-H "accept: application/json" 
-H "authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciO....ZPtpekWBMJ3Qmvmw" 
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" 
-H "x-aspose-client: Containerize.Swagger" 
-F File="@C:/Temp/02_pages.pdf" 
--output C:/Temp/test.docx