Thank you for the response, would like to try with self hosted docker image initially with below 150 call, as we may need it occasionally in the initial stages and later on depending on the traffic can we upgrade the plan?
Yes, you can try Docker image without purchasing a metered license. However, please note that Docker image adds a watermark to the output documents in trail mode.
Okay thank you… will try using trial version first,
Would like to know how can I access API credentials while using docker image…
What would be the storage option to be given while creating an application
Please pay attention to the four important parameters (LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY, LICENSE_PRIVATE_KEY, CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET) while starting the GroupDocs.Signature Cloud Docker container. If you do not set license parameters, then the API will work in evaluation mode. And for authentication, you must set the CLIENT_ID/CLIENT_SECRET parameters to any values of your own choice.
docker run -p 8080:80 -v "./data:/data" -e "CLIENT_ID=tilalahmad" -e "CLIENT_SECRET=1234567890" --name signature_cloud groupdocs/signature-cloud
When we tried with the docker image, we were unable to use client key and secret which we have created from the dashboard, its showing an error… But without the keys its showing error as max 2 pages are allowed and we have 4 sheets in our xlsm file. So what can we do in this case, as we need to add signature using the docker image…
If we need 4 sheet’s support do we need to purchase license, if its mandatory could you please let me know the basic plan that supports the requirement, but we will be having less than 150 calls in a month…
Please pay attention to my last post, for a Docker container, you need to define the client id and secret while starting GroupDocs.Signature Cloud Docker container. The credentials from the dashboard do not work in the case of self hosted APIs.
Yes, for complete features in the Docker image for self hosting, you need to purchase metered license.
We have purchased the licence, but where can I see the LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY and LICENSE_PRIVATE_KEY have the client id and secret…
Could you please let me know how can I view those details…
thank you
Please confirm you have purchased the metering license for GroupDocs Cloud Docker for self-hosting or the license for GroupDocs Cloud hosted APIs.
Yes, we have purchased the metering license for GroupDocs Cloud Docker for self-hosting
As suggested above you need to set LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY
parameters accordingly while running the container. Please check the following documentation article for details.
@tilal.ahmad we understand that, but we couldn’t find our LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY
in the dashbaord or in My APPs section, so would like to know how could we get those details, so that we can host the docker image with those details…
I am sorry for the confusion caused. As I stated above credentials from the dashboard do not work with Docker Image. The hosted APIs and self hosted APIs have different licensing. Please contact our sales team to purchase a metered license for self hosting of GroupDOcs.Signature Cloud using a Docker image.
@tilal.ahmad We have implemented adding signature in xlsm file successfully, Now would like to know if we can add signature for VBA project using the API call…
Please find the supported spreadsheet formats in the GroupDocs.Signature Cloud API. If you are using a different spreadsheet format, then please share some more details along with the sample document.
The file format is xlsm and we are able to add signature with it. But in the same xlsm file we have a VBA project for the macro, and which needs to be signed… So we would like to know if we can sign the VBA project also using the group docs…
Thanks for the additional information. I am afraid; currently, we do not support the feature. So we have logged a new feature request(SIGNATURECLOUD-606) for your requirements. We will notify you as soon as we implement the feature.
Okay thank you @tilal.ahmad, if possible could you please let me know the release date planned for the same…
I am afraid it is difficult to share any ETA for the fix as we just logged the ticket. We will share an update/ETA with you as soon as the initial investigation is completed.