Internal error: Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’

We are seeing this error. It is impacting our production traffic badly.We are a paid subscription member and use Python API. Earlier it was once in a week…now it is every day few times.Sample snippet is

        app_sid = settings.GROUP_DOCS_CLIENT_ID
        app_key = settings.GROUP_DOCS_CLIENT_SECRET

        # Create instance of the API
        api = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_keys(app_sid, app_key)
        request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentDirectRequest("pdf", temp_docx_filename)
        result = api.convert_document_direct(request)

Last line api.convert_document_direct(request) throws intermittent memory error. We catch the expectation and the log file shows this.

Internal error: Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown

Could you please help us asap. It is impacting our production live customer.


We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please share your client ID for investigation.



Thanks for sharing your client ID. However, I’m afraid I’m unable to find any failed requests in the server logs. You have 97 requests in the last 7 days and all have been successful.

Please note in the start of last week, we have made some changes to our server and that has improved the situation. However, if you still face the issue, then please share the requestId or requestTraceId from the logs. We will further investigate the issue.

How to capture requestId or requestTraceId ?

Hi Tilal,
I am little worried that call to GroupDocs API is returning “Internal error: Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’” but as per your investigation all requests were successful. How is that even possible ?

Pls let us know how to capture the requestId or requestTraceId and we will send details.

If you want we can show you the issue over screen sharing.


It is included in the error messages, something like that:




"Message":"Error while loading file 'testword.docx' from storage. The specified file does not exist.",

"Description":"Operation Failed. File Not Found."





You may check the API usage logs for error details from the billing tab in the dashboard. Please also share your input file with us. We will try to reproduce the issue.


We have again started seeing this error. We captured the Exception Trace. Below is the error message.

[2024-01-11 15:25:18,840] [ERROR] [storage_service]: Traceback Error converting DOCX to PDF: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/storage_service/utils/", line 194, in convert_docx_to_pdf
    result = api.convert_document_direct(request)
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/apis/", line 291, in convert_document_direct
    (data) = self._convert_document_direct_with_http_info(request, **kwargs)  # noqa: E501
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/apis/", line 385, in _convert_document_direct_with_http_info
    return self.api_client.call_api(**call_kwargs)  # noqa: E501
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/", line 326, in call_api
    return self.__call_api(resource_path, method,
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/", line 157, in __call_api
    response_data = self.request(
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/", line 382, in request
    return self.rest_client.PUT(url,
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/", line 289, in PUT
    return self.request("PUT", url,
  File "/home/ubuntu/Backend/envname/lib/python3.10/site-packages/groupdocs_conversion_cloud/", line 238, in request
    raise ApiException(http_resp=r)
groupdocs_conversion_cloud.api_exception.ApiException: (internalError)
Message: Internal error: PdfFileInfo is not initialized. Use constructors with parameters or properties for initialization. (Reason: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.)

Surprisingly the API Usage log Dashboard always show everything successfull. Even though the API call is failing. So there is no way to provide the requestID. Can u check why it is happening?


We are sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for sharing the additional information. We have logged a ticket(CONVERSIONCLOUD-549) to investigate and fix the issue.

it has been over 10 days. Any update on ticket CONVERSIONCLOUD-549 ?



The fix is in progress; however, I have requested an update and will share it with you accordingly.