Signature envelope expiration


Using cloud signature api. When does the envelope expire email go out - in how many days? Also when does reminder emails go out?

I’m sure all other emails are sent instantly.



Thank you for your request. Reminders will be send on the specified period till envelope expires.

For envelope expiration there are two properties: StepExpireTime - in days and ExpireTime - in days

StepExpireTime is used if the envelope is set to sequential signing. If one step expire - the whole envelope expires.

As for when reminders go out – You can set this by the “reminderTime” parameter in the “SignatureEnvelopeSettingsInfo” object. This parameter takes float value, so if 1 day - the remainder will be send on each 24h if 0.5 - on each 12 hours.

For example this can be set by this code:

$signatureEnvelopeSettingsInfo = new SignatureEnvelopeSettingsInfo();
$signatureEnvelopeSettingsInfo->envelopeExpireTime = 5.0;
$signatureEnvelopeSettingsInfo-> reminderTime = 1.0;
$envelop = $signature->CreateSignatureEnvelope($clientID, $name, null, null, null, null, $signatureEnvelopeSettingsInfo);

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.


Can you tell me what is the default StepExpireTime and ExpireTime for envelopes? We want to use the default time by GroupDocs in our API setup so that we can tell users when their signature requests will expire.


Thank you for your request. Yes there are default values StepExpireTime 3 days, ExpireTime 6 days, Reminder 1 day.

If you will have more questions please feel free


Thank you for your request. Yes there are default values StepExpireTime 3 days, ExpireTime 6 days, Reminder 1 day.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.