Split paragraph is consider as single line

Hi I am converting pdf to docx but when we convert the pdf with multiple columns split.JPG (320.8 KB)
there is no difference between two partion/table its considered as single line so when we try to replace some content with new text its appending to the left contents,
can we have tabled view/ someother alternative for this

and when we open the docx we are not able to find the table, but layouts are retained is there any way to find blocks and tables

we are using all this functionalties in python code

please help


We are sorry for the inconvenience. It looks like the paragraph frame issue that we have already logged. But we will appreciate it if you please share your input sample PDF document with us. It will help us to investigate and address the issue exactly.

please find the attached pdf


Thanks for sharing the input PDF document. We have noticed that the two columns layout text is not rendered as expected. So logged a ticket CONVERSIONCLOUD-395 for further investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as it is resolved.