Tag Html

Hi all,
i’m using this:
var responseId = await api.HtmlPostAsync(request);
to translate a page Html, in my page there is the Tag , and the translater doesn’t read this element, so i need to change —>

, the same is with
→ <p style="color:#ff0000">

and in this way i ha a correct translation with graphics attributes.
How i can resolve this?
The body of the Html page is created with Summernote.

Thank you for all.
Sebastiano Sassano

kindly provide your file, we will examine it, reproduce the issue and I will return back to you

this is my code:

titolo=Addio al furto di smartphone: Android lancia la modalità ladro
source_lang = it
target_lang en

public async Task TextTranslator(string titolo, string source_lang, string target_lang)
string resultTraduzione = “”;
Configuration config = new Configuration();
/** Authorize your requests to GroupDocs.Translation Cloud /
config.OAuthFlow = OAuthFlow.APPLICATION;
config.OAuthClientId = "
config.OAuthClientSecret = "*********************";
Initialize GroupDocs.Translation API /
config.BasePath = “https://api.groupdocs.cloud/v2.0/translation”;
TranslationApi apiInstance = new TranslationApi(config);
Specify translation parameters /
var translateFrom = new List() { titolo };
string sourceLanguage = source_lang;
var targetLanguages = new List() { target_lang };
var request = new TextRequest(
sourceLanguage: sourceLanguage,
targetLanguages: targetLanguages,
texts: translateFrom);
Send text to translation /
StatusResponse translationStatus = apiInstance.TextPost(request);
Wait for results from translation queue */
if (translationStatus.Status.ToSystemHttpStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
while (true)
var result = apiInstance.TextRequestIdGet(translationStatus.Id);
if (result.Status.ToSystemHttpStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.OK)
return resultTraduzione;
yesterday this code worked perfectly. The same issue is when i use html page, so i think is we resolve for text translation, it is resolved for htnl page.

Best regards.

Sorry, but the code i posted is for another question, the file html is this:

translate.zip (681 Byte)

@sebas66 Thanks for sharing the file, I will create the corresponding issue. As for the issue of 102 status, we have found the problem, but it takes us more time than planned to be fixed.

We have opened the following new ticket in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): GDTRANS-2988