Cant query conversion failures

Im using GroupDocs as SDK, and when it fails to convert, I can’t query the reason. the API call returns “500 Internal Server Error”.
Do I have a way to get a more indicative response, or query the GroupDocs container logs?

I create the GroupDocs container as follows:
docker run -p 8080:80 -v $(pwd)/data:/data --name conversion_cloud groupdocs/conversion-cloud

My request for example:


    "FilePath": "xxx/<file_name>.tsv",
    "Format": "pdf",
    "LoadOptions": {
			"Password": "",
			"SkipEmptyRowsAndColumns": false 
    "OutputPath": "./xxx",

I attached the problematic file. (1.3 KB)


You are passing incorrect port(9080 instead of 8080) in the URI so getting the exception. However, we have also logged an enhancement ticket CONVERSIONCLOUD-509 for more meaningful exception message. We will update you as soon as it is resolved.

Sorry for the confusion.
We do access the right port, it’s just from a different container execution.
the question remain the same, every failure will give the same error? (“500 Internal Server Error”).
you can try to convert the attached file.


Thanks for the clarification. We have already logged a ticket for your question and will keep you updated about the issue resolution progress within this forum thread.

Hi @danibk , what OS do you use to run the container?

Hi @sergeiterentev
Alpine Linux v3.16

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Thanks for the information. We are investigating the issue and will share an update with you soon.

Hi, @danibk, here is my request:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8080/v2.0/conversion' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
"FilePath": "example-tsv.tsv",
"Format": "pdf",
"LoadOptions": {
"Password": "",
"SkipEmptyRowsAndColumns": false
"ConvertOptions": null,
"OutputPath": "./xxx",

and the response

  "requestId": "92296bc3-f133-4af1-8a0d-9cccdfb28229",
  "error": {
    "code": "internalError",
    "message": "Cannot convert. The file is corrupt or damaged. This file's format is not supported or you don't specify a correct format.",
    "description": "Operation Failed. Internal error.",
    "dateTime": "2023-07-14T10:41:12.085455Z",
    "innerError": null

The error raised because the input file has incorrect format.
The reason, I think is because the file does contain spaces between values instead of tabs

Hi Sergei,
I use Swagger (‘2.0’) generated client for the conversion request.
The generated code, of the api_convert.go, populate the err with “localVarHttpResponse.Status”, and not with “message”, so from the caller, I can’t access the “message”, because the API export only the “Error()”.
how can I use the swagger generated client and access the message?
Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 19.56.53.png (13.4 KB)

Hi, @danibk,
As I understand, you are using Golang - unfortunately, we don’t have SDK for it. I hope we will develop it in future, but for now the list of supported languages can be found here: Document & Image Conversion SDKs and REST API

We are using the swagger client, and the swagger generation of it doesn’t return the “message” part of the error. it’s not supposed to be language related.
I looked at the swagger documentation of the conversion tool and it just specify what happens in case of success and not failure.
is it by design? not to receive the message itself?
Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 10.27.13.png (46.2 KB)


Thanks for your feedback. We are looking into your query and will update you shortly.

Hi, @danibk,
I understand that we have missing error description in the swagger spec, so, when generating the code, it cannot handle error messages properly. I have reopened the issue, and I plan to add missing error descriptions into the swagger spec in scope of this ticket.

In addition, I would like to be able to query GroupDocs failures, and open a ticket with as much information as possible, preferably without sharing the original file (it belong to our customers).
Is there a way to query failures, beside the message arriving from the call to GroupDocs? any stack for example?


Please check the API Usage Logs from your dashboard. It provides request details along with the status code. You can post a query in our forums accordingly. Secondly, please note that we only ask for the customer’s document if we are unable to reproduce the problem with our own document. And for sensitive documents, we usually ask customers to share them via private message or post.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONCLOUD-509) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by sergei.terentev

what is the usage of this dashboard? how is it different from converting the file locally with Postman?

And, what is the storage section? when I put the name of the folder I created in “storage” I get “The storage xxx was not found or is not associated with the application.”


First of all please note the dashboard is not available in Docker image.

Dashboard is used to manage subscriptions, API usage logs, invoices, applications, storages and working with files and folders of your associated storages in the GUI for hosted APIs. It does not provide any GUI to convert files. For file processing, you need to use cloud APIs.

The storage tab is used to configure cloud storage and file retention policies. Every user has a default internal groupdocs cloud storage. However, the user has to configure third party storage providers as per his requirements. Please check the following documentation to get started with the dashboard.

I case of a failed conversion, it supplies more information regarding the fail than the response I see in my local GroupDocs docker?


We will appreciate it if you could please share some more details/screenshots of the issue. It will help us to investigate the issue and fix it.